Basics And Types Of Pranayama

Lungs are made up of nearly 73 million cells. On normal breathing, to which all are adapted, only nearly 20 million cells in the lungs receive oxygen, whereas unused 53 million pores remain poor of the benefit, as a result they easily get infected by several diseases such as tuberculosis, respiratory diseases and several disorders like coughing, bronchitis etc.

This ineffective functioning of the lungs can disturb the process of blood purification, which in turn weakens heart, and person gets more prone to untimely death. This problem can be solved with pranayama.

The meaning of the word Pranayama is the “expansion of prana” which means development of vital energy. The main aim of pranayama is to stimulate, instill, control, regulate and balance the vital energy in the body.

As bathing is important for the purification of the body, in the same way Pranayama is necessary for the purification of the mind. Pranayama helps in improving retention (memory) power and concentration power, which in turn results in soundness of mind and soundness of body. The liver, stomach, kidneys, intestines, digestive organ, veins and entire nervous system get rejuvenated by the regular practice of Pranayama. If it is practiced regularly, one can control the sense organs and the mind.

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Updated: December 24, 2013 — 1:57 am