List of Few Latest Privacy Options on Facebook

Facebook the social networking giant, is more concerned about the requests and the privacy of their users. In fact, they are working more and more to improve the features and the security options in order to make their users satisfied with the policies of Facebook. They have a strong team, which strive hard to make Facebook more user friendly and secured. Here is the list of privacy options which you can find on your profile, and can consider them if you want your profile and the information to be more secure.

The latest privacy option is about the photo tagging feature. Previously any of your friends can tag your names to the photos which they want to post, in order to make you and friends aware of that photo. But there are some people who don’t like other to tag them for embarrassing shots, which they actually do not want to be circulated. Hence, Facebook made it safe by introducing a pre-approval policy for photo tagging. Unless, the tagging got approved by all the people who are tagged, it won’t appear on their profiles.

You can categorize the posts and photos and make them visible only to the people with whom you are interested to share that info and photos. Every photo and post have a drop down menu from you can limit the visibility of those things.

Few privacy controls are now available on the user profile pages, next to the information they share. Instead of going to the ‘account settings’ page and change the settings, it is an easy and quick way to control sharing.

You can also check how your profile is looking for a person, if he is in your friends list or not in the list. This enable you to check whether the privacy setting you made to limit the visibility of profile is working or not. You can check it using ‘View Profile as’ option, and by typing the name of the person for whom you limited the visibility and to check how your profile looks for him.

Many of us may know these things, however for some of our friends who would like to have them, but are not aware of them, hope, this kind of information is quite helpful.

Updated: December 28, 2011 — 1:45 am