Events may be of different types, private celebrations, corporate events and others. Event is nothing but a occasion were people gather in the name of parties, functions, meetings, etc.
It is the process of planning for an event like festivals, party, functions, ceremony, etc. Event planners are involved in planning an event. Event planning is a part of event management which have several steps to perform from starting of the event till the successful completion of the event.
Steps required to plan for an event:
- Once you have designed the event then you must start planning for the event. It is the crucial stage because planning involves all the steps of event management.
- Planning varies for every event. There should be a event planner to plan for an event. Without an efficient even planner it is not possible to organize an event successfully.
- Planning takes much time due to changes that may happen while planning like adding, deletion, etc. Planning will be smooth if research and design are done efficiently and carefully. You must also have the SWOT analysis.
- Planning involves time, space and tempo. These three laws will affect the final decision you make for the event. So, you must be careful in this step. It involves selecting of event, date, venue, etc.
- Event planning can be done with 5W’s concept ie., why, what, when, where and who.
1. Why: At first you must define the objective of the event. i.e., why you want to organize the event. This will give the path to organize the event and helps you to accomplish your objectives.
2. What: It is nothing but organizing the event like doing the tasks like event name, program menu, event budget, etc.
3. When: See when you want to organize the event. Select the date, time and venue of the event. These must be planned according to the climate conditions because this may effect your event. Be sure that date and time of the event should not match with the other events date.
4. Where: This involves selection of the venue for your event or where you want to organize.
5. Who: See that who will be your organizers, sponsors and partners and also check how many audience you are expecting in the event.
This is about 5 W’s concept involved in planning for an event. Every event that uses 5W’s concept will lead to success in all the aspects. This is all about event planning and management.