In modern life, it is necessary for every car owner to purchase a car insurance. To know how much auto insurance cover you are able to afford and maintain, you have to know what the law requires in your jurisdiction. What type of insurance you need and what your state requires.
The first step you need to do is to know what your state requires: This is an easy step to find and without the state minimum you cannot drive legally. It is, therefore, necessary to have at least the minimum requirements.
Know What can Influence Your Insurance Rates:
Before purchasing car insurance, you need to know about your driving records. First you have to order the copy of your driving record, Because your driving record determines the insurance premium for your car. Therefore, you need to check carefully whether it is accurate or not and also check for current record. For getting the best rate, you your driving record should not have a single error.
Know What Coverage You Need:
Your state minimums will not cover what you want, because these are legal minimums that your state sets that you must maintain.
As per Consumer Reports, the general guideline for property damage is $100,000, plus per accident it is $300,000 and bodily injury liability limit per person is $100,000. This is the amount that your insurer will pay for the person when you meet an accident.
Some other coverages:
Always your policy can supplement with specific protections like many people who have vehicle will get comprehensive and collision coverage. If you hit something, the collision coverage will be paid to repair your own car and when the car is lost or damaged due to some other causes which are other than the accident, the comprehensive coverage pays out. This option comes with the deductible usually worth $250 to $1000 you pay out of your pocket before the insurance comes in. For this coverage, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium you have to pay. You have pay lower premium to that extent.
Some additional coverages include rental reimbursement coverage. This is, when your car is in servicing, it pays for your rental car. You do not need this additional coverage when you have an auto club membership.
Ask the following discounts for getting best rate:
- Higher deductibles: This will lower premiums.
- Safety equipment: This includes anti-theft devices and anti-lock brakes by which you can get discounts.
- Good grades: This is for young drivers who maintain better in school or B average.
- Multiple Policies: if you have two or more policies with same company, the insurer will offer some discounts.
- Long Time Policy Holder: Ask for the discounted premium, if you have policy with the insurer for many years.
- Good driving record: This is for the people who have not made any claim or have not received any traffic ticket or not met with an accident for three years.
- Drivers Education: if you complete the drivers safety course or driver’s education, the company will offer discounts.
Shop Around and Gather quotes:
When you came to know about the kind of coverage your state requires, then to get an accurate quote you need to follow the below information.
- The parking place of your car overnight
- The coverage type and limits that you want
- The description of your car includes, VIN – Vehicle identification number, make, year and model
- The age and sex of the driver and driving license numbers of number of drivers in your house with their names.
Then get some auto insurance quotes and compare the rates.
Check for references:
Even though you know the company which is offering at the best price the insurance policy you want, compare it with quotes of as many number of insurers as you find. You have to check for the company reliability. This you can do by checking with your state’s insurance department, that should allow you to compare insurance companies premium in your state.
Check for the number of customers’ complaints that the company has and also the financial stability of the company. Also check for consumer reviews of the insurance company.
Before signing the policy, you should carefully review to make sure that it is covering all the coverages that you want. This should include your state’s legal requirements and also the company additional requirements which finances your car loan.
The proof of the insurance should be always kept in your wallet or car. By doing this, you need not worry when the traffic police stops you and asks for it.